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Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Sarah Palin expresses sadness concerning the departure of a longtime Fox News reporter. I think her memory may be failing her.

This Facebook posts links to a rather mournful piece about the now departing Carl Cameron over at Young Conservatives.

However the fact that Palin seems upset about this departure seems odd considering one of Cameron's most famous on air moments. This was a piece from literally RIGHT AFTER the 2008 election, when Nicole Wallace, Steve Schmidt, and others were revealing behind the scenes info about Palin to the media that was shocking to the national audience but all too familiar for Alaskans.

Later of course all of these stories came out in the book "Game Change" which went on to become a great HBO movie of the same name.

But this interview right here was the very beginning of the de-mytholization (Yes I realize I made that word up.) of Sarah Palin.

After this there were numerous books, and of course blog posts, that literally destroyed the last remnants of Palin's lies and myths about her life, family, and career.

So yeah I guess I kind of mourn the loss of Carl Cameron on Fox News, but I have no idea why Palin would feel the same. 


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