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Tuesday, 10 April 2018

White House says that Donald Trump believes he has the power to fire Robert Mueller.

Courtesy of Politico: 

The Trump White House punched back at its own Justice Department Tuesday, with President Donald Trump and senior officials expressing outrage over a law enforcement raid on lawyer Michael Cohen—and making thinly veiled threats to fire special Russia prosecutor Robert Mueller. 

“We’ve been advised the president certainly has the power to make that decision,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said when asked whether Trump could fire Mueller, who answers not to the White House but to deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein. 

Trump began the day tweeting in defense of Cohen, a longtime Trump Organization associate. “A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!!!” Trump wrote on Twitter Tuesday morning. He also added: “Attorney-client privilege is dead!” 

A GOP operative close to the White House told POLITICO: “The all caps tweet, that’s the primal scream. That’s the war cry.” 

“He’s losing his shit,” the operative added. “We’re at a different level now.”

That is very similar to what Vanity Fair is reporting as well:

There have been times during Robert Mueller’s investigation—Mueller’s subpoenaing of Trump business records, for instance—when White House advisers worried Trump seemed on the verge of triggering a constitutional crisis by firing Mueller, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The stunning Cohen raid is another one of these moments. “He’s sitting there bitching and moaning. He’s brooding and doesn’t have a plan,” a Republican close to the White House said last night. “I could see him having a total meltdown and saying, ‘Fuck it, I’m firing all of them,’” a Trump friend told me. “This is very dry tinder. If someone strikes a match to it, you could see it catching fire,” added a former official.

It was also announced today that Trump has cancelled his planned trip to South America, supposedly to because he wants to monitor the situation in Syria, but of course we all know which situation has his full attention.  

All day today I have been expecting Trump to lose his shit and start firing everybody in the Justice Department, or declare war on Mexico, or set the rest of Trump Tower on fire.

But so far it's like that part of the horror movie before the teenagers go downstairs to figure out why the lights won't work.

You know that somebody is getting an axe in the forehead, you just don't know when, or which one it will be.


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