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Wednesday, 3 May 2017

"That's a fence." Watch Sean Spicer desperately trying to convince White House reporters that some rinky dink fencing is the equivalent of Trump's promised border wall.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

“Just one question about the photos,” Spiering interrupted. “Are those photos of fences or walls.” 

Spicer insisted that his photos were of walls, even though he referred to them as fences earlier. 

“There are various types of walls that can be built under the legislation that was just passed,” he opined. 

“That is a fence,” Spiering said. 

“That is called a levee wall,” Spicer replied. 

“It’s not the wall the president promised,” CNN correspondent Jim Acosta observed. 

“Hold on, Jim, we’re going to take turns,” Spicer said. 

“So you’re basically just telling the president’s supporters to be satisfied with this existing tough-guy fencing thing until he’s ready to build the wall?” Spiering asked. 

“No!” Spicer exclaimed. “What I’m telling anybody is that the president said he’s going to build a wall and he’s doing it. And he’s using the best technology.” 

“That’s what I’m telling you.”

Keep in mind that this Charlie Spiering is from Breaitbart news. So these answers were not even convincing to a news agency that is predetermined to agree with everything that comes out of this White House.

I have to admit that when I watched this exchange this morning it really cracked me up. 

As I watched Spicer almost turning himself inside out in an attempt to convince these reporters not to believe what their eyes were telling them but in what he was saying instead, all I could think is how much fun Melissa McCarthy could have with this on SNL.

In some ways this is a prime example of the difference between what Donald Trump promised on the campaign trail and what he can actually deliver in real life.


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