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Monday, 23 April 2018

Reporter who has covered Donald Trump for thirty years says the evidence strongly suggests that he is a traitor.

This is from an interview with Pulitzer winner David Cay Johnston posted over at Raw Story:

Let me be very clear and quotable about this. At an absolute minimum, Donald Trump has divided loyalties, and the evidence we already have suggests that Donald Trump is a traitor. In fact, I would say that the evidence we already have, the public materials such as emails for example, strongly indicate that Donald Trump is a traitor. However, I don’t even think he understands what he’s done.

I have said this before but I think at this point the evidence to support that allegation is incontrovertible.

If it walks like a traitor and talks like a traitor, it's Donald Trump.

Johnston also had a few more observations to share.

About his feelings about Christians:

I think it is very important for religious Americans to know that Donald Trump says that his personal philosophy of life is revenge. He has called anyone who turns the other cheek — which is a fundamental teaching of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount — a fool, an idiot or a schmuck. Trump is a man who says things that are absolutely contrary to the teachings of the New Testament. He also denigrates Christians. Yet you see all of these ministers endorsing him. 

I’ve followed Donald for 30 years, I don’t see any evidence that he has changed and he certainly hasn’t repented, which is a fundamental Christian obligation. 

He is a racist through and through. He has been found in formal judicial proceedings to discriminate against nonwhites in rentals and employment. 

It’s important to understand that Trump is aggressively anti-Christian despite claiming to be one. He is bluntly a racist. Most importantly, he is literally ignorant about almost everything.

On Trump's removal from office: 

There is no good ending to the story. America will survive this, we’ll get past it, but whenever Trump leaves, there’s no good ending. If Trump is removed by impeachment or by the voters, whether in a Republican primary or a general election, I know what he will do. He’s already told us what he will do by his actions. Trump will spend the rest of his days fomenting violence and revolution in this country. 

He’ll be careful not to directly say “revolution,” but he will call the government illegitimate. He might even call it criminal, since he called Democrats who didn’t stand up during his State of the Union speech treasonous. If they’re going to impeach Trump, I believe they have to have a plan to indict, try, convict and imprison him. But Trump will be a role model for some people and there may well be violence over it.

Well, there's something to look forward to.

Keep in mind that David Cay Johnston has covered Trump for decades, and probably knows him better than just about any other journalist.

That cannot help but add weight to his predictions.


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