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Monday, 30 April 2018

Mike Pence to give speech at NRA convention, where for his protection no guns will be permitted. Wait, what?

Courtesy of The Sacramento Bee:  

Guns won’t be allowed when Vice President Mike Pence speaks Friday at a National Rifle Association convention in Dallas in order to protect his safety. 

The NRA says the Secret Service ordered the ban, but survivors of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting are calling the move hypocritical, noting the organization’s fierce opposition to gun-free zones in most public places. 

No firearms or weapons of any kind will be allowed at the NRA Leadership Conference at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, during Pence’s appearance, according to an NRA website. The notice emphasizes that the U.S. Secret Service is responsible for security at the conference, given Pence’s attendance.

So wait, everybody being armed makes everybody safer, EXCEPT the Vice President?

As you might imagine this smacked of hypocrisy for many people, including the Parkland survivors.
And the parents of those who did not survive the Parkland school shooting.
We also need to keep in mind that this is not the first time that the NRA has been caught being complete hypocrites.
The NRA is going to have to finally decide whether or not guns keep EVERYBODY safe, or if they are only dangerous to people that they care about.

Really can't have it both ways. 


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