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Thursday, 22 March 2018

Tucker Carlson gets a little panicky about white people becoming the minority in America.

 Courtesy of Vox: 

On his top-rated Fox News show Tuesday night, conservative pundit Tucker Carlson opined on demographic change and immigration in America, saying that though “most immigrants are nice ... this is more change than human beings are designed to digest,” and asking viewers, “How would you feel if that happened in your neighborhood?”

The segment was focused on a National Geographic article featured in the magazine’s April issue. Though the article, centered on the Pennsylvania town of Hazleton, was titled “As America Changes, Some Anxious Whites Feel Left Behind,” Carlson focused his remarks on the growth of Hazleton’s Hispanic population, which has increased exponentially since 2000 — a change that Carlson said “makes societies volatile.” 

But he saved his strongest words for “our leaders ... who caused all this,” who, in his words, live in neighborhoods that “are basically unchanged — they look like it’s 1960. No demographic change in their zip code.” He concludes, “Our leaders are for diversity, just not where they live.”

My favorite line is  “How would you feel if that happened in your neighborhood?”

Perhaps Carlson should have some native Americans on and ask THEM that question.

It kind of sounds as if Tucker is suggesting that the uptick in violence that we have seen is due to the fact that there are more brown people in the country these days.

And his argument is not that THEY are being violent, but that there very presence incites violence from those who were here before them.

Essentially white people, right?

So rather than educate everybody to be more tolerant by teaching our children about different cultures and customs, while trying to create more inclusive activities in communities to unite the people living there, we should instead start blocking nonwhites from entering the country?

Let's call that the "Fox News solution. "


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