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Sunday, 18 February 2018

Donald Trump has gone off on some Twitter Tantrums before but today he may have reached a new low.

Well besides this being almost unbelievably immature, it is also inaccurate.

What Schiff actually said was this:  

"While I respect the motive in terms of the Obama administration, they didn't want to be seen as meddling, the American people had a right to know what was going on and could be trusted to do the right thing with it. And they should have defended being more public and aggressive at the time, at least in my view."

This is a common criticism of the Obama Administration from those of us on the Left, but it does not say Obama did nothing, after all he started the whole Russian investigation ball rolling, it just suggests that he could have done more.

If you are looking for somebody who has done NOTHING, well I refer you to the author of that tweet.
That is untrue as well.

Courtesy of The Hill:  

Trump last year said he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin when Putin said he didn't meddle in the 2016 election. 

“Every time he sees me he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it," Trump said last November.

Well someone's pants are on fire. 
That's just pathetic.
I think we can all agree that the Russians are laughing their asses off (So presidential by the way.), but they are laughing every time Trump opens his mouth and they remember that THEY were the ones that helped to put him in the White House.
Pretty sure Trump is retweeting a Russian troll here, which of course makes perfect sense since they are still his most aggressive supporters.

This to me demonstrates a man that is having a very public psychotic break.

I imagine behind the scenes that Trump is experience huge mood swings and is likely taking it out on everybody around him.

The man is for all intents and purposes in a kind of emotional free fall, and when his lard ass finally smacks into the reality of his situation they are going to have to cart him out of there in a straitjacket. 


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