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Sunday, 6 November 2016

President Obama demonstrates how a REAL leader responds to protesters.

Did you see that?

President Obama seemed to get a little irritated at the own supporters for jumping all over this poor guy, and actually came to his defense.

That is what you call "leadership."

Now contrast that with the post down below showing how Donald Trump deals with protesters.

And if that was not stark enough, Trump also mischaracterized the President's response in order to attack him.

Courtesy of Slate: 

Complaining about how the media always focuses on protesters at his rallies, Trump said Obama “was talking to the protester, screaming at him, really screaming at him,” adding that “if I spoke the way Obama spoke to the protester, they would say, ‘He became unhinged!’ ” He then reiterated his point, saying that Obama “spent so much time screaming at this protester and, frankly, it was a disgrace.” 

Sounds shocking, until you look at what actually happened and start wondering whether Trump really is living in a parallel reality where up is down and defending is attacking. There was indeed a pro-Trump protester who interrupted Obama’s speech Friday afternoon, but the president chastised the crowd for booing him and defended the Trump supporter’s right to free speech. The protester, who was wearing a military uniform, stood up in the bleachers at a get-out-the-vote rally and was immediately booed and heckled by the gathered Hillary Clinton supporters. Obama immediately tried to get the crowd to calm down. “Hold up! Hold up! Hold up! Hold up!” Obama shouted again and again as the crowd ignored his pleas. The president put on a professorial tone, clearly frustrated by the way the crowd was reacting to the protester. “Everybody! Hey!” Obama yelled. “I told you to be focused and you’re not focused right now.”

The president then asked the crowd to “sit down and be quiet for a second” and proceeded with a lecture on why they shouldn’t get worked up over a protester. “You’ve got an older gentleman who is supporting his candidate. He’s not doing nothing. You don’t have to worry about him. This is what I mean about folks not being focused,” Obama said. “First of all, we live in a country that respects free speech. Second of all, it looks like maybe he might have served in our military and we ought to respect that. Third of all, he was elderly and we got to respect our elders. And fourth of all, don’t boo—vote!”

(Here is a video that shows side by side Trump accusing Obama of "screaming" at the protester, and the President's actual response.)

So not only does Donald Trump accuse the President of being abusive to a protester at a rally, but when he is confronted with a protester at HIS rally he sicks the crowd on them and then runs like a candy ass little bitch at the mere hint of danger to himself.

Seriously, HOW in the WORLD can anybody support this guy?

I am just sickened that there are people in the country who still do. 


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