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Thursday, 11 January 2018

Trump Administration wants to loosen constraints on nuclear weapons to make them easier to use in response to an attack. I'm sorry, what?

Courtesy of The Guardian:  

The Trump administration plans to loosen constraints on the use of nuclear weapons and develop a new low-yield nuclear warhead for US Trident missiles, according to a former official who has seen the most recent draft of a policy review. 

Jon Wolfsthal, who was special assistant to Barack Obama on arms control and nonproliferation, said the new nuclear posture review prepared by the Pentagon, envisages a modified version of the Trident D5 submarine-launched missiles with only part of its normal warhead, with the intention of deterring Russia from using tactical warheads in a conflict in Eastern Europe. 

The new nuclear policy is significantly more hawkish that the posture adopted by the Obama administration, which sought to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in US defence.

Arms control advocates have voiced alarm at the new proposal to make smaller, more “usable” nuclear weapons, arguing it makes a nuclear war more likely, especially in view of what they see as Donald Trump’s volatility and readiness to brandish the US arsenal in showdowns with the nation’s adversaries. 

The NPR also expands the circumstances in which the US might use its nuclear arsenal, to include a response to a non-nuclear attack that caused mass casualties, or was aimed at critical infrastructure or nuclear command and control sites.

Okay this is not about Russia, Putin knows that his puppet would never use these against the homeland, this is about North Korea.

Trump had been itching to use nuclear weapons against Kim Jong Un almost since the day he took office, and now he is looking for a way to do that and not blow up South Korea as well.

This lunatic needs to be stopped, and stopped now!


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