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Sunday, 21 August 2016

That moron from the Mat-Su Valley accidentally makes a more of less valid argument.

Courtesy of the Wasilla Whippoorwon't's Facebook page:  

Hot night in my real world in Wasilla - yard work complete, baked loaves of late-summer garden's zucchini bread, & now get to sit down to catch pay-per-view's big UFC fight. (You know I asked Levi Johnston about how much time Sarah Palin spends baking. At some point I'm sure he will stop laughing long enough to answer me.)

As we've seen throughout Rio Olympics, like I've always said: sports are an analogy of life, thus analogous to the Presidential election. 

 Like this McGregor vs Diaz fight tonight, it always comes down to "who wants it more?" 

So, supporters of America-First Nationalism (represented by the Trump movement) must understand the UniParty's Globalism (that'd be Hillary), and how the Left fights to win. They fight dirty, but they fight to win. (Who, WHO fights dirty? Shall we talk about the 2000 presidential election?) This election is the battle for America's future. Patriots who know our solvency and sovereignty hinge on the next administration's defense of our Constitution, its policies and its Supreme Court appointments must ask: Are we willing to fight to win this time? Do we want it more? More than leftist zealots who are out for blood and never fight fair? (There she goes again. I think that conservatives think not "fighting fair" means using things like facts, which as we all know have a liberal bias.)

Commonsense independent Americans must SHOW our willingness to fight to win this time. 

 I want it more... for our kids' future. Do you?

 -Sarah Palin

So believe it or not Palin makes a valid argument for choosing your 2016 candidate. (As you know even a broken cuckoo clock gets the time right twice a day.)

Yes it is all about who wants it more. And right now more people, including many disenfranchised Republicans, want Hillary Clinton to win. (In fact as of this writing FiveThirtyEight gives Clinton an 84.8% chance of winning to Trump's 15.1% chance.)

I also appreciate that Palin is not afraid to use the term "nationalism" to refer to Trump's campaign. After all if it was good enough for Hitler its should be good enough to Donnie.

I have to admit I was a bit thrown by this term "Uniparty" but after doing a little online research I discovered that it is a far Right Wing term to define both the Republicans and Democrats as a united pro- government party working against the interests of the true patriots.

And of course Doanld Trump is considered by these people to be a "true patriot."

So yes Sarah Palin is right here.

The two sides in this election consist of one that wants to destroy the government that we know today, close the borders, and turn us into a nationalist country that mistrusts and excludes foreigners.

While the other side is one which wants to continue moving the country forward, fight global warming, strive to provide better health care to its citizens, and work with other foreign leaders to end war and suffering around the globe.

Gee, how will we ever make a choice?


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