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Sunday, 7 January 2018

The European response to Michael Wolff's book has been outright shock.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

European commentary on President Trump is rarely flattering, but the cascading revelations alleged in Michael Wolff’s tell-all book “Fire and Fury,” drew an especially fierce response from a horrified continent. 

“Is Trump still sane?” asked the Friday lead headline on the site of Germany’s most respected conservative paper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The piece was published under the topic “mental health.” 

Meanwhile, British readers woke up to the Times of London's main front page headline that also wondered about the president’s stability: “Trump’s mental health questioned by top aide.” 

“Donald Trump’s right-hand man openly questioned his fitness to serve and predicted that he would resign to avoid being removed by his own cabinet, according to a book that the US president tried to block yesterday,” wrote the Rupert Murdoch-controlled Times of London.

For its part, France’s paper of record, Le Monde, just described the book as “haunting.” 

Trump has never been too popular in Western Europe, with approval ratings in many countries hovering in the single or lower double digits. But even though disagreement with Trump has almost become the norm here, some of Friday’s public responses to Wolff’s book still appeared unprecedented.

Let's face it, Donald Trump was NEVER going to gain any real credibility in Europe.

Those people have first hand knowledge of dealing with thin skinned megalomaniacs.

But I think that this book by Michael Wolff is going to make even those who have seemed more open to negotiating with Trump, like Britain's Theresa May, think twice about dealing with a man deemed stupid or even mentally ill by his closest subordinates.

In other words the world likely no longer sees America as having a functional leader, and there is no way that is good for our country.


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