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Wednesday, 13 September 2017

While some suggest that Hillary Clinton should shut up and sit down, others are clearly anxious to hear what she has to say.

Of course while this is going on some in the media are desperately trying to get Hillary to stop talking about the election and stop hijacking attention away from what is going on right now with Donald Trump's policy decisions and the Russia investigations.

However I am certainly not among those who want Hillary to stop talking, I am more on the side of wanting to hear her take on what happened during the campaign, because to be honest I think it is still happening and continues to threaten Democracy in this country.

I am also paying attention to the fact that whole lot of Hillary haters are taking this opportunity to continue the attacks on her that have been going on now for over thirty years.

Courtesy of Fortune: 

Some book critics say Clinton's latest title delivers the kind of authenticity that she's lacked in the past. The New York Times' Jennifer Senior calls the book a "feminist manifesto," "a score-settling jubilee," and "worth reading." Others, meanwhile, fault Clinton for using the 464-page text to blame players like Bernie Sanders, James Comey, and Vladimir Putin for the election defeat, rather than taking responsibility herself. 

And then there are the decidedly less analytical reviews that are already populating the book's Amazon listing. 

Given the current political climate and the venomous nature of the 2016 race, it's probably no surprise that critics of Clinton have used one-star reviews to further communicate their dislike of the former first lady, or in some cases, peddle conspiracy theories about Clinton and husband Bill.

Fortune points out that none of the reviews are from folks who are verified purchasers of her book which means they are simply attacking the book because her name is attached to it.

And of course the same was true for her campaign.

People did not listen to what she had to say because SHE was the one saying it.

If you ARE one of those people interested in what Hillary had to say, then I recommend that you watch this interview with Vox.

And after watching, or perhaps instead of watching, you can also read her words in the written version of the Vox interview. And see for yourself if this seems like somebody who deserves all of the hate and vitriol that surrounded her during the campaign. And still surrounds her today.

I would like to close this post by addressing the response that some have to the charge that a lot of the anger toward Hillary stemmed from the simple fact that she was a woman.

They respond that they were ready to elect a woman, but not THAT woman.

But the problem with that is the fact that THAT woman was running against THAT man.

So if you removed the gender difference and this were two men, or for the sake of argument two women, with the exact same baggage and the exact same qualifications that Trump and Hillary brought to the 2016 election, who do YOU really think would have won?


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