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Saturday, 20 January 2018

Seven months before he had unprotected sex with an adult film star Donald Trump told Howard Stern he would give Melania a week to lose weight after giving birth.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Seven months before an alleged tryst with porn star Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump told radio host Howard Stern that he would give his pregnant wife, Melania, a couple of days — or maybe a week — to regain her model figure after giving birth. 

“You know, Howard, she’s got the kind of a body and makeup where, about one day after the baby, it’s going to be the same as it was before,” Trump said during an appearance on Stern’s show on Dec. 7, 2005. 

“You’re giving her one day?” Stern asked. 

“One or two,” Trump replied. 

Moments later, the future president reconsidered. “I think I’ll give her a week,” he said. “No, I’ll give her a week.” 

Trump’s remarks drew laughter from Stern’s female co-host, Robin Quivers, and Trump ultimately indicated that his ultimatum to Melania was not entirely serious. 

“If there’s cellulite, will you be man enough to stay in the relationship?” Stern asked at one point. 

“I will,” Trump answered. “I will love her so much. You have no idea. I’m a very loyal person. I will love her so much.”

Yes he was so loyal to Melania that seven months later, and only a few months after she gave birth, he was cheating on her with a porn star.

Yeah, that right there is true love.


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