So yes Jordan gave a rather extensive interview to the Daily Mail which was published yesterday.
Here are some of the very troubling snippets:
DailyMailTV has viewed records of the calls made to Jordan from a number registered to Track Palin.
In one call from 2016, Track says: 'Obviously, if you're coming out here, and you're going to bring anybody else out here, then your person who you're going to bring out here is a hostile intent, and I'm going to treat him like a hostile intent I'm going to put him in the ground. I'm going to bury him.'
Jordan told DailyMailTV: 'This is a violent person. This is a really dangerous, unstable person. I started recording him and saving every voicemail he left me.'
The 24-year-old revealed the physical assaults, harassment and psychological torture she endured as her ex awaits trial for assaulting his father at the Palin family compound in Wasilla, Alaska last month.
Jordan says that she was inspired to tell her story by the #MeToo movement, which for some reason really tickles me.
Jordan says that they started dating in 2015, and though there were some red flags, their relationship seemed relatively normal until Track took a contracting job in Iraq.
While he was gone Track became convinced that Jordan would cheat on him and called her constantly:
'He was checking in at every location that I was at. He blamed it on being out of the country and I blamed it on that too, because he wasn't like that before.'
As the long-distance relationship progressed, the phone calls and messages became relentless.
'It was out of control. I think he had a lot of free time. He was stuck in a building with Wi-Fi and could blow up my phone with texts and calls.
Jordan thought things would mellow out once he returned. They didn't.
'Track was very possessive about me and going out in public and being around my old group of friends,' Jordan said.
'He was so threatened by my girlfriends, guy friends, my family, my brother - anybody. He didn't want me around them.
'He tried to make everybody in my life out to be a bad person and would find any flaws they had as people and make them well known to me.'
Jordan claims that Track did not seem to drink that much, but when he did he was violent and abusive.
He would sometimes use Bible verses to convince her that he would change. (Who does that sound like?)
Then came the night of the attack in 2016:
'He wanted to see who the text was from but I wouldn't show him my phone. We were in his car and at this point, I was ready to leave,' she said.
'I wanted to get in my in car and go home. He was trying to get my phone out of my hand and I was very adamant that he was not getting it.
'I wouldn't give him my phone and he pushed me on the ground. I was laying and he was on top of me, and still just trying to pull it out of my hands and was hitting me in the face, telling me to let go, let go, just give it to me.
'I wouldn't give it to him so he started kicking me and kneeing me and finally got it out of my hands and threw it across the driveway [of the Palin family home].
'I found my phone and the screen was cracked but I tried to call 911 and it wasn't working. I wanted to get out of there and go hide but he had my keys so I couldn't leave.'
Jordan eventually managed to make it into the house to hide under Trig's bed, but not before Track put the barrel of his mother's pink AR 15 in his mouth and threatened to kill himself.
Yes, this AR-15. The one that Ted Nugent gave Palin because, you know, the more guns you have, the safer you are.
After that night, the night Track was arrested, Jordan found out she was pregnant.
Unbelievably she decided to make another go at the relationship. (Because doesn't every young child deserve to have a dangerous, out of control parent in their life?)
Jordan claims that Todd and his friends took all of Track's guns out of his house after the assault, but that Track is never without a gun.
He's a gun fanatic. They are hidden in different places - his car, hunting bag, garage, bedside table, storage unit.
'You can take away the guns that you see but he knows where other guns are hidden.
'Even after there were no guns - there were still guns. He has friends who would bring him a gun or would buy him a gun.
'There will never be a day that Track doesn't have access to a gun if he's not in jail.
'Jordan said that Track often carried a gun with him and in particular when he was around strangers.
'It was a regular thing that when he was yelling and mad, he had a gun in his hand.
'After a while it didn't even faze me. Looking back that's so crazy. He never pointed a gun at me but he has had a gun in his hand, telling me he was going to kill me. He has put a gun to his head and in his mouth multiple times.'
Track's abuse continued through the pregnancy, and eve after little Charlie was born.
This was Track's response to seeing Jordan get dressed up for work:
'He started screaming, "There's no way, who are you working with? Did someone get hired at your work? What did you do after work? What time did you leave work? Where did you go when you left work?"
'Charlie was now awake and screaming. I said I'm going to leave, I'm not doing this.
'He shoves me back down and tells me I'm not leaving. This is while I'm holding Charlie who is 8lb, he was really little. I was really scared because this is the first time he had pushed me while I'm holding Charlie.
'I stand up and dart for the door and he grabs me by the shoulders. He tells me I'm not leaving, I live here now and I need to grow up.
'He shoved me onto the floor and I didn't want to let a single hand off of Charlie, so I couldn't catch myself or anything, and I fall to the floor with Charlie in my arms.
'I run to my car and set Charlie in the carrier and lock all the doors. I'm hiding in the backseat with him trying to get Track away from us. He's banging on the windows and throwing rocks at the car.
'I buckle Charlie in, climb into the front seat, start my car and go down the driveway. It was a gravel driveway so he's picking up handfuls of rocks and throwing them at my car.
Track chased her down in his truck and tried to run her, and the baby, off the road.
Track also dared her to call the police so that she "could read give our son one more embarrassing headline to read when he grows up."
So she didn't call the police that day, but she did leave him.
Jordan also says that Track never attended any of the counseling sessions he was court ordered to attend, including the ones he was supposed to complete in order to have joint custody of his son.
The Daily Mail post includes audio of some of Track's harassing phone calls, and they are the stuff of nightmares.
Essentially Jordan's story confirms just about every single thing we have been saying about Track for the last eight or nine years.
He is a violent, out of control sociopath, whose family has covered for him, and enabled him at every turn.
And it took Track almost killing his dad, to finally get them to stop letting him skate by.
Here are some of the very troubling snippets:
DailyMailTV has viewed records of the calls made to Jordan from a number registered to Track Palin.
In one call from 2016, Track says: 'Obviously, if you're coming out here, and you're going to bring anybody else out here, then your person who you're going to bring out here is a hostile intent, and I'm going to treat him like a hostile intent I'm going to put him in the ground. I'm going to bury him.'
Jordan told DailyMailTV: 'This is a violent person. This is a really dangerous, unstable person. I started recording him and saving every voicemail he left me.'
The 24-year-old revealed the physical assaults, harassment and psychological torture she endured as her ex awaits trial for assaulting his father at the Palin family compound in Wasilla, Alaska last month.
Jordan says that she was inspired to tell her story by the #MeToo movement, which for some reason really tickles me.
Jordan says that they started dating in 2015, and though there were some red flags, their relationship seemed relatively normal until Track took a contracting job in Iraq.
While he was gone Track became convinced that Jordan would cheat on him and called her constantly:
'He was checking in at every location that I was at. He blamed it on being out of the country and I blamed it on that too, because he wasn't like that before.'
As the long-distance relationship progressed, the phone calls and messages became relentless.
'It was out of control. I think he had a lot of free time. He was stuck in a building with Wi-Fi and could blow up my phone with texts and calls.
Jordan thought things would mellow out once he returned. They didn't.
'Track was very possessive about me and going out in public and being around my old group of friends,' Jordan said.
'He was so threatened by my girlfriends, guy friends, my family, my brother - anybody. He didn't want me around them.
'He tried to make everybody in my life out to be a bad person and would find any flaws they had as people and make them well known to me.'
Jordan claims that Track did not seem to drink that much, but when he did he was violent and abusive.
He would sometimes use Bible verses to convince her that he would change. (Who does that sound like?)
Then came the night of the attack in 2016:
'He wanted to see who the text was from but I wouldn't show him my phone. We were in his car and at this point, I was ready to leave,' she said.
'I wanted to get in my in car and go home. He was trying to get my phone out of my hand and I was very adamant that he was not getting it.
'I wouldn't give him my phone and he pushed me on the ground. I was laying and he was on top of me, and still just trying to pull it out of my hands and was hitting me in the face, telling me to let go, let go, just give it to me.
'I wouldn't give it to him so he started kicking me and kneeing me and finally got it out of my hands and threw it across the driveway [of the Palin family home].
'I found my phone and the screen was cracked but I tried to call 911 and it wasn't working. I wanted to get out of there and go hide but he had my keys so I couldn't leave.'
Jordan eventually managed to make it into the house to hide under Trig's bed, but not before Track put the barrel of his mother's pink AR 15 in his mouth and threatened to kill himself.
Yes, this AR-15. The one that Ted Nugent gave Palin because, you know, the more guns you have, the safer you are.
After that night, the night Track was arrested, Jordan found out she was pregnant.
Unbelievably she decided to make another go at the relationship. (Because doesn't every young child deserve to have a dangerous, out of control parent in their life?)
Jordan claims that Todd and his friends took all of Track's guns out of his house after the assault, but that Track is never without a gun.
He's a gun fanatic. They are hidden in different places - his car, hunting bag, garage, bedside table, storage unit.
'You can take away the guns that you see but he knows where other guns are hidden.
'Even after there were no guns - there were still guns. He has friends who would bring him a gun or would buy him a gun.
'There will never be a day that Track doesn't have access to a gun if he's not in jail.
'Jordan said that Track often carried a gun with him and in particular when he was around strangers.
'It was a regular thing that when he was yelling and mad, he had a gun in his hand.
'After a while it didn't even faze me. Looking back that's so crazy. He never pointed a gun at me but he has had a gun in his hand, telling me he was going to kill me. He has put a gun to his head and in his mouth multiple times.'
Track's abuse continued through the pregnancy, and eve after little Charlie was born.
This was Track's response to seeing Jordan get dressed up for work:
'He started screaming, "There's no way, who are you working with? Did someone get hired at your work? What did you do after work? What time did you leave work? Where did you go when you left work?"
'Charlie was now awake and screaming. I said I'm going to leave, I'm not doing this.
'He shoves me back down and tells me I'm not leaving. This is while I'm holding Charlie who is 8lb, he was really little. I was really scared because this is the first time he had pushed me while I'm holding Charlie.
'I stand up and dart for the door and he grabs me by the shoulders. He tells me I'm not leaving, I live here now and I need to grow up.
'He shoved me onto the floor and I didn't want to let a single hand off of Charlie, so I couldn't catch myself or anything, and I fall to the floor with Charlie in my arms.
'I run to my car and set Charlie in the carrier and lock all the doors. I'm hiding in the backseat with him trying to get Track away from us. He's banging on the windows and throwing rocks at the car.
'I buckle Charlie in, climb into the front seat, start my car and go down the driveway. It was a gravel driveway so he's picking up handfuls of rocks and throwing them at my car.
Track chased her down in his truck and tried to run her, and the baby, off the road.
Track also dared her to call the police so that she "could read give our son one more embarrassing headline to read when he grows up."
So she didn't call the police that day, but she did leave him.
Jordan also says that Track never attended any of the counseling sessions he was court ordered to attend, including the ones he was supposed to complete in order to have joint custody of his son.
The Daily Mail post includes audio of some of Track's harassing phone calls, and they are the stuff of nightmares.
Essentially Jordan's story confirms just about every single thing we have been saying about Track for the last eight or nine years.
He is a violent, out of control sociopath, whose family has covered for him, and enabled him at every turn.
And it took Track almost killing his dad, to finally get them to stop letting him skate by.