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Sunday, 1 May 2016

Female artist who painted unflattering nude of Donald Trump claims to have been assaulted.

Courtesy of the Daily Dot: 

The artist's painting, which depicts the Republican presidential hopeful unflatteringly nude, attracted bids of over £100,000 at the London gallery. According to the Guardian, Gore has been threatened with a lawsuit if she sells the work of art, however, due to its resemblance to Trump. 

Gore, who travelled to the U.K. after reporting a slew of death threats, said her proceeds from the sale will go to benefit Safe Place for Youth, a homeless shelter in Los Angeles.

Though it is always possible that this young woman is making this up for publicity, somebody DID threaten to sue her, her personal information including her address WAS made public, and these ARE Trump supporters we are talking about, so it is certainly well within the realm of believability. 


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