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Friday, 14 July 2017

Republican operative who reached out to Russia for Hillary Clinton hacked emails committed suicide.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Peter W. Smith, the Republican operative who sought to obtain and publicize emails he thought were stolen from Hillary Clinton’s private server, committed suicide days after he told a reporter about his efforts, according to the Chicago Tribune. 

The Chicago Tribune reported Thursday night, citing a Minnesota state death record filed in Olmsted County, that Smith killed himself on May 14 days after he talked to the Wall Street Journal about his hunt for Clinton’s emails. That account was also included in a medical examiner’s report and a Rochester police report, according to the Tribune. 

Smith left a statement police referred to as a suicide note, according to the report, in which he said there was “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER” involved in his death.

"No Foul Play Whatsoever." Who leaves a suicide note like that?

Yeah nothing suspicious about THAT.

This would have been the big story today, if not for that revelation about additional Russians involved in the Trump Junior meeting.

And as far as I'm concerned he certainly deserves more attention from the media.


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