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Saturday, 23 December 2017

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee says the evidence he has seen makes the Russia investigation "the most important thing" he will ever work on.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

The ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee suggested he’s seen damning evidence in the investigation of Russian campaign interference — but he hinted special counsel Robert Mueller had even more proof. 

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) said he’s more convinced than ever that the investigation is crucial to preserving U.S. democracy, according to Axios. 

The Virginia Democrat told the website that, “based on witness testimony and documents that he has seen behind closed doors, the Russia probe is ‘the most important thing I will ever work on.'” 

But Warner said the special counsel investigation had likely uncovered even more conclusive evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russian interference. 

“I feel that more strongly today than even a year ago, and we don’t even have near the tools that Robert Muller has in his investigation,” Warner said.

I happened to watch a little Fox News yesterday and was immediately struck by the immense effort they are putting into downplaying this investigation, and poo pooing the idea that Trump would have any reason to have Robert Mueller fired.

There was a whole panel present and they all mocked the idea that there was anything to this investigation, or that Trump would ever do anything silly like undermine the Special Counsel or start firing people to protect himself, almost as if they had never heard of James Comey.

To me it smacked of a desperate attempt to tamp down fears, and to lull the viewers into a false sense of security before Trump launched his own Saturday Night Massacre.

The noose is getting tight, I cannot imagine that Trump does not have some trick up his sleeve.

Nor can I imagine that Robert Mueller is not prepared for it.


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