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Friday, 4 November 2016

Open letter from millennial voter to President Obama. You're probably gonna need a tissue.

Courtesy of the Daily Kos:  

Dear Mr. President, 

As your final term is almost over, I would like to reach out to you to show you my deepest gratitude and appreciation. Although I was too young to vote for you in 2008 and 2012, your presidency has greatly inspired me and I recently casted my first presidential ballot for Madam Clinton. 

I was brought up in a conservative Christian, Republican household. I have seen the hatred, mud-slinging, disgusting, and downright deplorable comments thrown your way by Republicans like Trump. I remember the obstruction that Republicans have played to destroy your presidency and ruin your legacy. Through it all, you have remained dedicated, calm, gracious, courageous, and have not given up on your goals and vision for this country. 

Your presidency has inspired me to continue my education and aim for the highest, in spite of my difficulties, disabilities, and obstacles. By watching your presidency, I have learned how to properly dialogue with those with whom I disagree with politically. Finally, your presidency has given me the freedom to marry by future partner, whoever he will be. 

I wish you the best in retirement and looking forward to seeing the great things you accomplish! I will certainly miss you. 


David P. Neff

I swear that every time I consider the fact that we are losing this amazing man as the leader of our country I feel a wave of emotion that makes my heart ache.

Yes I think that Hillary Clinton will make a fine President, I really do.

But there are some people who are one of a kind, and we just spent the last eight years honored to have just such a one of kind individual as our Commander-in-Chief.


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