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Wednesday, 29 November 2017

So Donald Trump spent the morning retweeting a British fascist once convicted of verbally abusing a Muslim woman, in order to inflame his base.

The thing about that last video is that you KNOW that if fundamentalist Christians could get away with throwing gay people off of roof tops that it would actually be raining men in no time.

These videos are of course supposed to anger and upset you, and indeed they are terrible.

However for every video of a Muslim dong something terrible, you can be sure that there is one of a Jew, Christian, or Hindu doing something equally appalling.

Simply put people do terrible things for a variety of reasons, religion being only one of them.

However more to the point is the fact that Donald Trump is not just retweeting a supporter, he is retweeting a convicted fascist.

Courtesy of The Independent:

The deputy leader of Britain First has been found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment afer she hurled abuse at a Muslim woman wearing a hijab. 

Jayda Fransen, 30, was fined nearly £2,000 for wearing a political uniform and shouting at Sumayyah Sharpe during a "Christian patrol" of Bury Park in Luton, on Saturday 23 January. 

Fransen admitted telling Ms Sharpe that Muslim men force women to cover up to avoid being raped "because they cannot control their sexual urges", adding "that's why they are coming into my country raping women across the continent".

Ms Sharpe was with her four young children at the time.

I certainly have no warm feelings concerning Islam, nor any other organized religion, and rapists deserve the harshest of punishments under the law, but this woman was with her children and doing no harm to anybody.

To verbally assault her in a public place, in front of her babies, is unconscionable.

And I can all but guarantee you that now with the man in the White House retweeting all of this, that we will see soon more of that kind of behavior on our own streets as well.

Methinks that something is coming soon, and the tangerine tinted Hitler does not want us talking about it.


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