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Friday, 10 March 2017

The majority of Americans disagree with nearly every single one of Trump's policy positions save one.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Among the many questionable claims that have come from the White House over the past month and a half, one of the most questionable came from an unexpected source: Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference last month, Priebus asserted that the policies President Trump had outlined to that point met with the approval of 80 percent of the American public. We considered that claim and determined it to be true — if you considered only Republicans to be Americans. 

An expansive new poll from Quinnipiac University allows us to look at the question more closely. The pollsters gauged public opinion on a broad range of issues that have already emerged from the Trump White House — policy on Russia, transgender school bathroom use, deportations. On only one did more people agree with Trump’s position than oppose it.

Gee, Trump and his spokespeople lie, had no idea. 

I am also on board with spending more on infrastructure.

My only caveat is that I would like somebody besides Trump and his corporate buddies to be in charge of that spending.

Just the idea of the guy who repeatedly filed for bankruptcy and is famous for not paying his debts being in charge of spending billions of taxpayer dollars makes me very uncomfortable. 

As for every one of his policies you can put me down as a big fat "NO!"


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