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Monday, 20 November 2017

Sean Hannity loses it on Twitter after CNN interviews the president of Media Matters about their campaign to get advertisers to stop supporting his Fox News show.

This was the interview that caused the Hannity Twitter tirade.

And this was the result.

As Salon points out these claims that Angelo Carusone is racist, bigot, or anti-semite do not seem to have any basis in fact: 

For about a week, Hanntiy has baselessly called Carusone a "racist" and "trans/gay homophobe," even though Carusone himself is gay and the organization he heads, Media Matters, often champions causes of racial minorities.

I will have to assume that Hannity's anger at Media Matters indicates that the campaign to strip him of sponsors is working.

Recently Hannity attempted to get one of the Roy Moore accusers on his show.

Her lawyer's response probably did not do much to help his mood either,

Courtesy of Raw Story:

 “Mr. Hannity chose to believe and support Roy Moore immediately after learning about the numerous accusations against him describing sexual assault, child molestation and harassment.” 

“Mr. Hannity has belittled, defamed and engaged in an on-air intimidation campaign against the victims of Mr. Moore. He is totally uninterested in discovering the truth,” she said. 

“It is laughable to assume that Mr. Hannity is capable of conducting a fair and balanced interview. He is not known for journalistic integrity. He is merely seeking an opportunity to publicly attack and further defame Mr. Moore’s victims,” she continued. 

“Well, that’s not happening,” she concluded. “Not on my watch.”

Yep, sucks to be Hannity right now. 

I really think that Fox is ready to pull his show already, and are just looking for an excuse to do so.

Losing all of his advertisers and supporting a known pedophile seems like more than enough reason.


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