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Monday, 20 November 2017

Robert Mueller is now looking at the Trump Justice Department.

Courtesy of ABC News: 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating whether President Donald Trump sought to obstruct a federal inquiry into connections between his presidential campaign and Russian operatives has now directed the Justice Department to turn over a broad array of documents, ABC News has learned.

In particular, Mueller's investigators are keen to obtain emails related to the firing of FBI Director James Comey and the earlier decision of Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the entire matter, according to a source who has not seen the specific request but was told about it. 

Issued within the past month, the directive marks the special counsel's first records request to the Justice Department, and it means Mueller is now demanding documents from the department overseeing his investigation.

Mueller's investigators now seek not only communications between Justice Department officials themselves, but also any communications with White House counterparts, the source said. Before this request, investigators asked former senior Justice Department officials for information from their time at the department, ABC News was told. 

The latest move suggests the Special Counsel is still actively digging into, among other matters, whether Trump or any other administration official improperly tried to influence an ongoing investigation.

Robert Mueller seems to be cutting pretty close to the bone here.

I would be very surprised if there were not incriminating emails somewhere in the Justice Department that Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump are desperate to keep out of Robert Mueller's hands.

I can almost guarantee that there will be a lack of cooperation which will tip Mueller off as to where to focus next.

Popcorn anyone?


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