Courtesy of The Hill:
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee next Tuesday as part of its probe into Russian interference in the election, The Hill confirmed on Tuesday.
Sessions's appearance will allow Democrats on the panel to pepper the top U.S. law enforcement officials about his past statements concerning exchanges with Russian agents during the time he served the Trump campaign last year.
Democrats are particularly interested in his ties to former Trump campaign staffer George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents about contacts with Russians. Court documents revealed that Papadopoulos had offered to set up a meeting between Moscow and then-candidate Donald Trump.
They want to know why Sessions, an Alabama senator (R), failed to previously disclose Papadopoulos's offer to use his contacts and set up a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in March 2016.
Sessions previously told lawmakers that he was "not aware of any of those activities" of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign surrogates.
Well you knew this had to be coming.
However I would rather that Sessions was facing the Senate Judiciary Committee instead of the House.
The only problem with that would be that it might give Trump enough reason to fire Sessions and appoint a replacement, which will allow him to undermine or do away with the Mueller investigation.
That last possibility is certainly going to put a dent in my popcorn consumption.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee next Tuesday as part of its probe into Russian interference in the election, The Hill confirmed on Tuesday.
Sessions's appearance will allow Democrats on the panel to pepper the top U.S. law enforcement officials about his past statements concerning exchanges with Russian agents during the time he served the Trump campaign last year.
Democrats are particularly interested in his ties to former Trump campaign staffer George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents about contacts with Russians. Court documents revealed that Papadopoulos had offered to set up a meeting between Moscow and then-candidate Donald Trump.
They want to know why Sessions, an Alabama senator (R), failed to previously disclose Papadopoulos's offer to use his contacts and set up a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in March 2016.
Sessions previously told lawmakers that he was "not aware of any of those activities" of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign surrogates.
Well you knew this had to be coming.
However I would rather that Sessions was facing the Senate Judiciary Committee instead of the House.
The only problem with that would be that it might give Trump enough reason to fire Sessions and appoint a replacement, which will allow him to undermine or do away with the Mueller investigation.
That last possibility is certainly going to put a dent in my popcorn consumption.