Courtesy of TPM:RNC chair says allegations about Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump are “not even comparable”— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) October 9, 2017
RNC chair Ronna Romney McDaniel on Monday defended President Donald Trump against comparisons to Harvey Weinstein, a day after Weinstein was fired from the eponymous company he co-founded amid a flood of sexual harassment accusations.
McDaniel said Trump’s remarks on the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy,” released almost exactly a year ago, were not relevant to the discussion about the allegations against Weinstein.
“It’s not even comparable, though,” she said on CNN. “To even make that comparison is disrespectful to the President.”
McDaniel said Trump “didn’t have eight settlements” and said Weinstein “admits that he did that.”
She also claimed Trump did not have “women coming forward” with such allegations, though multiple women accused Trump of sexual misconduct after the “Access Hollywood” tape was released.
“Harvey Weinstein brought women into his hotel room,” McDaniel claimed.
Touchy, touchy.
By the Trump ALSO took women back to his hotel room and used his influence and power to get them to have sex with him in exchange for favors he promised to do for them, that is well documented.
Hell he essentially admits to that in a number of interviews with Howard Stern.
However Romney McDaniel (Yes, she IS Mitt Romney's niece.) is right in that there ARE differences between Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump.
For one thing there do not appear to be any allegations that Weinstein raped a 13 year old girl, and the political party that he is most affiliated with did not nominate him to be their candidate for president.
Other than that though, not a whole lot of difference.