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Thursday, 20 April 2017

Well she finally made it. Sarah Palin visits the Trump White House.

Oh an look, she brought poopy pants with her.

Personally I did not realize that they made doilies that big.
Sarah Palin, Kid Rock, and Ted Nugent. Well now it's official, the White House is now the "White Trash House."

So what does this mean, if anything?

I would not even try to venture a guess.

This Trump presidency is batshit crazy, so Palin could be there to interview for some job with the Trump cabinet, to pee on one of the beds that the Obamas slept in, or to simply get her picture taken in the room that the American voters kept her from accessing on her own.

Who knows? 

All I know is that the White House staff should waste no time in getting the place fumigated.

That Palin stench is tough to remove. 


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