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Tuesday, 31 October 2017

If you think Donald Trump is losing his mind over these Mueller indictments watch his constant defender Sean Hannity essentially have a psychotic break on air.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

On Monday night, Fox News’ bombastic host Sean Hannity delivered what he called his “most important monologue ever” — and attempted to, somehow, blame Bill and Hillary Clinton for Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election that the latter lost. 

At one point, Hannity referred to the former Democratic nominee as “President Clinton” before correcting himself and calling her “President Clinton wannabe” — a slip of the tongue that Twitter certainly didn’t miss.

Later in the segment, he began to raise his voice when discussing his distress with a lack of indictment for Clinton over her private email server scandal. But it was when he began touting the Clintons’ relationship to Russians that were cited in the infamous “golden showers” dossier that he becomes the most unhinged. 

“Of course, they use Russian sources, bought and paid for by Hillary, the DNC and Obama to smear Trump and influence the election with Russian lies,” Hannity claimed. 

"President Clinton?"  Somebody needs to get Dr. Freud on the phone STAT!

How weird is it to hear a commentator on a conservative news outlet arguing that federal indictments are not fair?

What is not so weird however is the desperate attempts to deflect blame, minimize these indictments by the Mueller team, and Hannity's obsession with pointing the finger at Hillary Clinton.

Fox News came into its own during the Monica Lewinsky years, and attacking the Clintons is their bread and butter after all.

I typically avoid watching anything on Fox News, and what I do see I usually find irritating, but I have to admit that this Hannity segment was pretty damn entertaining.

The only thing that could have made it any better is if he had actually started banging his head on his desk.

Oh well, maybe next time.


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