Courtesy of ABC 11:EXCLUSIVE: NC #GoldStar family receives $25,000 personal check, months after condolence call from @POTUS @realDonaldTrump. @ABC11_WTVD @ABC— Jonah Kaplan (@KaplanABC11) October 23, 2017
The grieving family of a fallen American soldier received a $25,000 check from President Donald Trump on Monday, fulfilling a promise made months ago by the Commander in Chief during a condolence call.
Chris and Jessie Baldridge, whose son Dillon died in June in Afghanistan, spoke exclusively with ABC11 after the check was delivered via FedEx from President Trump's New York address to their home in Zebulon.
"I'm still speechless," Jessie Baldridge told ABC11's Jonah Kaplan. "We are so moved and grateful, and we promise to use the money to honor Dillon's legacy."
Here is the letter that the White House sent along with the check.
This is a real feel good story, after all presidents are certainly not expected to write checks to grieving families out of their own accounts.In letter to Baldridge family, shared only w/ @ABC11_WTVD, @realDonaldTrump says "I hope this will make things a bit easier." @ABCWorldNews— Jonah Kaplan (@KaplanABC11) October 23, 2017
This could be real concrete evidence that Donald Trump is not the heartless megalomaniac that we all think him to be.
It COULD be that evidence. If it were not for this one nagging little detail.
A recent Washington Post article brought more attention to the offer - and the delayed response - prompting White House officials to issue a statement saying the check was in the mail.
"There is a substantial process that can involve multiple agencies anytime the President interacts with the public, especially when transmitting personal funds," a White House official said on October 18.
"The check has been in the pipeline since the President's initial call with the father. The President has personally followed up several times to ensure that the check was being sent. As stated earlier, the check has been sent." The check was dated for October 18, the same date the White House was asked about the check.
So riddle me this Batman. If there is a "substantive process," and the need for legal counsel to approve a donation like this, how did all of that get streamlined to get this check out on the EXACT same day that Trump was being criticized for not sending it in the media?
Because, and forgive me for sounding cynical, but it kind of sounds as if Donald Trump was NEVER really planning to send this check after he promised that he would, and ONLY did so due to media pressure.