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Friday, 27 October 2017

For those wondering why Hillary Clinton did not use the Christopher Steele dossier that her lawyer helped finance during the campaign, the answer is she did not know about it.

Courtesy of CBS News:  

Hillary Clinton only learned about the now-infamous "Trump dossier" after BuzzFeed News posted it, despite the fact that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund it, a source confirmed to CBS News. 

A former British spy, Christopher Steele, complied the explosive allegations in the 35-page dossier for Fusion GPS during the 2016 campaign. In January 2017, BuzzFeed News published the full dossier, though it contained unsubstantiated allegations.

That Clinton was unaware of the Trump dossier was first reported by The New York Times. 

Law firm Perkins Coie, which represented both the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, and Clinton campaign lawyer Marc E. Elias confirmed Wednesday it had retained the firm Fusion GPS in April 2016 to "perform a variety of research services." 

I think that the fact that much of the dossier has still not been confirmed is why Elias did not notify Hillary about what it contained.

And if he HAD informed her there is no way that such a careful candidate would have allowed it do be used in campaign ads or mentioned by her surrogates.

To be honest. considering what we know now, it is unlikely that having it out there would have changed the outcome of the election anyhow.   

If the "grab them by the pussy" tape was not enough to turn these people off to that pig, it is highly unlikely that mention of the pee pee tape would have done the job either. 


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