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Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Rachel Maddow sounds the alarm concerning Donald Trump's threat to the environment.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Rachel Maddow said scientists who scrambled to save their data and copy it to non-government databases in the final days of the Obama administration weren’t being paranoid. 

 “Now we know, day four of the new administration, those people were not wrong to be freaked out,” Maddow said on her show Tuesday night. “And they probably, in the interest of science, were not wrong to be downloading and trying to save data privately because the data is disappearing.” 

The EPA has been “effectively stopped” with no official announcement from the agency or the White House. 

“The scientists are being told they are not allowed to speak or publish, it is already happening,” Maddow said. “It’s day four, it is already happening.” 

I think this may be one of the most important stories that MSNBC is covering right now, and we all need to pay attention.

And it gets worse

A leaked copy of the Trump team’s plan for the EPA calls for slashing its budget, “terminating climate programs,” ending auto fuel-economy standards, and executing “major reforms of the agency’s use of science and economics.”

Donald Trump is a 70 year old conspiracy theorist with no respect for facts or science.

He is quite literally the WORST person to be put in charge of agencies that help to protect this planet.

And yet thanks to James Comey and Russia, there he is. 


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