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Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Canadian woman verbally attacks Sikh politician believing him to be a Muslim.

I don't know how many of you have already had the pleasure of watching this video of Canadian politician Jagmeet Singh demonstrating extreme patience and kindness when confronted with the kind of hatred that might have inspired Mahatma Gandhi to drop a bitch, but I thought it was just too good not to share here.

Courtesy of Global News:

Singh was speaking to supporters at one of his “JagMeet and Greet” outreach events on Wednesday, when he was accosted by a heckler.

“When is your Sharia going to end?” the woman shouted, referring to traditional Islamic law. “We know you’re in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood!” 

As she continued ranting, Singh told the audience, “We don’t want to be intimidated by hate, we don’t want hatred to ruin a positive event… so let’s show people how to treat someone with love. 

“We welcome you. We love you, we support you,” he told the woman, who eventually stormed off.

When asked why he did not simply identify himself as a Sikh, Singh had this to say:  

“Many people have commented that I could have just said I’m not Muslim. In fact many have clarified that I’m actually Sikh. While I’m proud of who I am, I purposely didn’t go down that road because it suggests their hate would be ok if I was Muslim,” he said. 

“We all know it’s not. I didn’t answer the question because my response to Islamophobia has never been ‘I’m not Muslim.’ It has always been and will be that ‘hate is wrong.”

I pride myself on having gained control of my once legendary temper, and of course I would never strike a woman, but damn this lady would have pushed me right to my limits. 

I only hope that by now she has seen this video multiple times and can see just what a hateful, ignorant, despicable human being she really is.

And if she doesn't see it I hope that those around her remind of this incident everyday until she does.


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