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Friday, 18 August 2017

Tina Fey represented all of us on last night's Weekend Update. #sheetcake.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Tina Fey is fuming about last weekend’s violence in Charlottesville, home to her alma mater, the University of Virginia. 

In response, the former “Saturday Night Live” comedian and writer is spearheading a movement: “sheetcaking.” 

In a surprise appearance on SNL’s “Weekend Update: Summer Edition” Thursday night, Fey urged Americans not to get into screaming matches with neo-Nazis. Instead, she said, “order a cake with the American flag on it … and just eat it.” 

She proceeded to stuff her face with sheet cake as she bashed white supremacists, President Trump, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and conservative pundit Ann Coulter (“yard-sale Barbie”). 

With her mouth full of frosting, she seemed to capture the frustration of many Americans in the past week. Almost immediately, the hashtags “#sheetcakemovement” and “#sheetcaking” began circulating on social media.

I had a couple of thoughts while watching this genius at work last night.

First, why doesn't this woman have her own show right now?

Second, I totally feel everything that she was expressing. Totally.

And third, is that not the moistest cake you have every seen?

I don't even usually like cake, and she was eating it like a rabid wolverine, and yet I still wanted some of it. Really bad.

So thank you Tina Fey for channeling all of our emotions to eloquently.

And thank you for the extra three pounds I am definitely going to gain when I sit down to eat my own entire sheetcake.


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