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Sunday, 12 June 2016

Alaska is having the hottest year since we began keeping records.

Courtesy of Eco Watch:  

Like the rest of the world, Alaska has been unusually hot this year—and it’s about to get hotter. 

That’s according to the most recent data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as Climate Central reported. 

Between March and May of this year, the meteorological spring, the entire state has been about 10 degrees hotter than normal, with an average temperature of 32 F. 

“That may sound cold,” Climate Central noted, “but warmth is a relative term. That temperature handily beat the previous record hot spring of 1998 by 2 F (1 C), according to NOAA.” 

The cities of Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau have experienced their hottest springs since records began.

I went hiking the other day with Dennis Zaki and this was the topic of conversation for the entire drive to Hatcher Pass.

I used to complain about the soggy cool summers of my youth, but damn it gets so hot these days that I have to walk around my house in tank tops and shorts just to stay cool.

I also have a cooling system in my house (Not exactly air conditioning however.) that I now have to turn on just so I can sleep at night. If somebody would have told me that I would some day need something like that in my house when I was a teenager I would have laughed in their face.

This is why I always say that the only way Alaskans can deny global warming is if they are dumb, deaf, and blind.

Or Sarah Palin.


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