Courtesy of Esquire:Trump explaining to several club members why he frequently visits Bedminster: "That White House is a real dump."
— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) August 1, 2017
I mean, seriously. What if Obama said this?
A White House spokesperson issued a statement to denying this happened, but it wouldn't matter if an Obama surrogate had, too. The coverage on Fox News would be apocalyptic. There would surely be calls for impeachment. Rush Limbaugh might call for his head. The Wall Street Journal editorial board would produce a tersely-worded op-ed about the shortcomings of liberal patriotism. The New York Post would plaster something unseemly-but-clever across its front page. The right-wing content farms would crank out listicles about Obama's 6 Most Anti-American Moments. All hell would break loose among the House Republican Batty Caucus, and Republican senators would pronounce themselves gravely concerned and disappointed. These are people who flipped out when he saluted a Marine while holding a cup of coffee, or when he put his feet on his own desk in the Oval Office, which the conservative Washington Times screamed "sent shockwaves around the world."
Don't hold your breath waiting for Trump to be held to the same standard, or even a reasonable one. After all, Trump isn't bloviating about how often he gets away from The Dump House: According to The Washington Post's Philip Bump, who has been tracking the president's travel diligently, Trump has visited his own properties, like Bedminster, 57 out of the 193 days he's been in office—once every 3.4 days, or twice a week. He's visited every weekend day in July, except for one Saturday he was stuck on a flight back from Europe. He has visited his course in Virginia 15 times, and he's played golf once every 5.8 days of his presidency.
I have an idea.
If Donald Trump does not appreciate the prestige of living in the People's House he can simply move the fuck out.
We don't want his fat tangerine colored ass in there anyhow.