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Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Day after white supremacist runs down and kills female protester Donald Trump retweets cartoon of train running over CNN reporter.

Courtesy of TPM: 

President Donald Trump retweeted a cartoon showing a metaphorical “Trump Train” ramming a cartoon person topped with a CNN logo on Tuesday morning. 

The cartoon was as an ill-timed jab at the news network just three days after a woman was killed after a car barreled into counter-protesters at a white supremacists rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

But before everybody gets all bent out of shape, you should know there's an excuse:  

An unnamed White House official later told NBC’s Kristen Welker that Trump had “inadvertently posted” the graphic, and that it was “immediately deleted” once noticed.

I didn't say it was a GOOD excuse.

So Donald Trump tweets and retweets terrible, incendiary things while his staff, who are too ashamed to use their real names, tries to cover for him with the press.

Who are often the subject of his tweets and retweets.

That about right?


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