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Saturday, 30 January 2016

Despite findings by a Texas grand jury Carly Fiorina has no intention to stop lying about Planned Parenthood.

Courtesy of Yahoo News:

Carly Fiorina hears only what she wants to hear, apparently. 

In Thursday's GOP undercard debate, the presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard executive clung to the notion that Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue for profit, an allegation that a Texan grand jury declared baseless on Tuesday. Fiorina, however, is having none of that. 

"Here are the facts," she said in the debate. "Planned Parenthood engages in partial birth abortion, in late-term abortion. They alter those abortion techniques to harvest and sell body parts." 

To be clear: There is no evidence that Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue for profit.

I think it's pretty clear who Planned Parenthood needs to sue next. 

Interesting how Fiorina seems to think that since Hillary Clinton has not been indicted that it somehow proves our justice system is broken.

You know it could just be that Hillary is innocent as well.

You know, just like Planned Parenthood.


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