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Sunday, 27 August 2017

Crazed woman with a law degree wants to legally take down CNN for spreading "fake news." Before you ask, yes she's a Trump supporter.

(Okay look, I posted this video to provide some context, but I really do not suggest that you watch too much of it because it could break your brain. No, seriously.)

Courtesy of Law Newz: 

A group, headed by Ohio attorney Joni Turner, is organizing a class action civil lawsuit which they claim will be a “legal takedown” of CNN for “defaming,” and spreading “fake news.” Turner announced the effort on Periscope, and has since set up a website asking for class action members to sign up. #OurTakeDown claims that “it is time to hold CNN accountable.” 

Within a few hours of launching the website, Turner said she already had 621 people sign up to be part of the class action. 

“I am using every avenue available to Legally go after CNN for using their “Fake” News Platform to ‘Defame’ “Bully” “Target” and “Destroy” Conservative Americans,” Turner wrote.

This Turner woman goes on quite a rant against CNN and the Southern Poverty Law Center, among others, and it is so batshit crazy that batshit is threatening to sue me for using that term.

As Law Newz points out she IS an actual attorney in Ohio, but she also had her license suspended twice, once in 2003 and once in 2006.

That is not at all surprising. What is surprising is that they ever took her off suspension. 


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