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Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Yale historian claims it is "pretty much inevitable" that Trump will attempt to take over the country by declaring a state of emergency.

This is from a much longer interview with Yale history professor Timothy Snyder:  

Q: In your book you discuss the idea that Donald Trump will have his own version of Hitler’s Reichstag fire to expand his power and take full control of the government by declaring a state of emergency. How do you think that would play out? 

 Snyder: Let me make just two points. The first is that I think it’s pretty much inevitable that they will try. The reason I think that is that the conventional ways of being popular are not working out for them. The conventional way to be popular or to be legitimate in this country is to have some policies, to grow your popularity ratings and to win some elections. I don’t think 2018 is looking very good for the Republicans along those conventional lines — not just because the president is historically unpopular. It’s also because neither the White House nor Congress have any policies which the majority of the public like. 

This means they could be seduced by the notion of getting into a new rhythm of politics, one that does not depend upon popular policies and electoral cycles. 

Whether it works or not depends upon whether when something terrible happens to this country, we are aware that the main significance of it is whether or not we are going to be more or less free citizens in the future. 

My gut feeling is that Trump and his administration will try and that it won’t work. Not so much because we are so great but because we have a little bit of time to prepare. I also think that there are enough people and enough agencies of the government who have also thought about this and would not necessarily go along.

I have been working to keep the hyperbole at manageable levels since Trump was elected, but I think most of us probably feel that the idea Trump will attempt to declare a state of emergency is more than just a little likely.

After all look how much control George W. Bush had over the government after 9-11.

However I take solace in what the professor says about how attentive we all are, and how prepared we will be if such an event takes place.

And with Fox News under new management, and currently being reorganized, Trump also may not have the propaganda arm at his disposal which served the Bush Administration so well.


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