I swear this dude always looks guilty. |
In the summer of 2016, US intelligence agencies noticed a spate of curious contacts between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian intelligence, according to current and former US officials briefed on the investigation. James Comey, in his Senate testimony, said the FBI opened an investigation into Trump campaign-Russia connections in July 2016.
The strands of the two investigations began to merge. In the months that followed, investigators turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects, officials said. CNN has learned those communications included references to campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Well looky there.
Boy, Paul Manafort's name sure does pop up a lot during conversations about Russian collusion.
Have you noticed that?
Of course Manafort's spokesperson denies that there is any fire behind all of this smoke:
Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort, issued this statement on the latest round of accusations: “Paul Manafort did not collude with the Russian government to undermine the 2016 election or to hack the DNC. Other than that comment, we aren't going to respond to anonymous officials illegally peddling second hand conspiracy theories. But the Justice Department, and the courts if necessary, should hold someone to account for the flood of unlawful government leaks targeting Mr. Manafort."
Hmm, have you also noticed that members of Trump's campaign always deny that there is any truth to various allegations, right before they have to admit that there might be a little truth to various allegations?
Source http://ift.tt/2uumGvG