So what's on the menu for today?MICHIGAN, MISSISSIPPI, HAWAII, IDAHO, GO VOTE! I don't care how you vote, just DO IT! #primaryday— Elise Griswold (@GrizzyGalore) March 8, 2016
Let's see on the Democrat side we have Michigan with 130 delegates and Mississippi with 36.
According to Fivethirtyeight Hillary has a 99% chance of wining Michigan and since Mississippi has a large African American community she will undoubtedly win there as well.
As for Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican clown car, they have Michigan (59 delegates) which 538 predicts will go for Trump, Mississippi (40 delegates) where Trump also leads, Hawaii (19 delegates) where I have no idea which way the balmy wind is blowing, and Idaho (32 delegates) where Trump is currently in the lead.
So essentially is appears that there will be no surprises tonight.
But then again that's what everybody says until they get surprised.
Update: MSNBC is calling Mississippi for Hillary, and categorizing it as a HUGE win.
Update 2: Trump is now the projected winner in Mississippi. No surprises so far.