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Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Today's Trump Twitter tirade targets Lisa Murkowski, the transgendered, and the Acting FBI Director.

Actually Murkowski sat down for an interview in which she explains why she voted against Trumpcare: 

"I voted no on the motion to proceed today because I didn't think that we were ready for the debate. And I have said pretty consistently that process really does matter, particularly when you're dealing with something that is as direct and personal as health care, something that has an impact on one-sixth of the nation's economy," Murkowski said in an interview Tuesday evening after the vote. "This is big, and then you throw in major Medicaid reform on top of that," she said. 

Murkowski argued that revisions to the Affordable Care Act, often called "Obamacare," are necessary, but that the Senate process has not been conducive to crafting good policy, "enduring policy." 

"And so my vote today was one that said, 'We're not ready to go to the floor to wrap this up,' " she said.

Of course Murkowski has been pilloried by many Republicans for her vote, both here at home and in Washington.

However there was one GOP Senator who was not disappointed: 

Of course, McCain came to a different conclusion, and flew in from Arizona just for the vote. A long, stitched-up gash covered one eye, and his complexion was pale, a man facing down potentially deadly brain cancer. 

"He did tell me, though … 'You did the right thing,' which made me feel good," Murkowski said of a conversation with the veteran senator right after the vote.

Trump also decided to go back on Obama's promise, and block transgendered folks from serving in the military.

According to Newsweek there are approximately 15,000 transgendered soldiers already serving this country's military, and that any medical costs have been greatly exaggerated by opponents.

Then a little later this morning Trump turned his attention back to Jeff Sessions and the Acting Director of the FBI.
It would appear that Trump is still pressuring Sessions to quit so he can replace him with an AG that will shut down the Russia investigation.

However Trump's charges that Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe's wife directly received money from Hillary Clinton, or that it would have influenced the investigation into Clinton's email server, is bullshit according to Newsweek

This is every day now that we have to address the rantings of a mad man.

When will enough be enough?


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