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Saturday, 27 February 2016

Well it's a good thing that Bristol Palin does not live in Illinois.

Courtesy of Bipartisan Report: 

Republican representatives John D Cavaletto and Keith Wheeler sponsored the bill that would amend the state’s Vital Records Act. Here is the bill’s draconian thrust: 

‘…provides that if the unmarried mother cannot or refuses to name the child’s father, either a father must be conclusively established by DNA evidence or, within 30 days after birth, another family member who will financially provide for the child must be named, in court, on the birth certificate.’ 

‘Provides that absent DNA evidence or a family member’s name, a birth certificate will not be issued and the mother will be ineligible for financial aid from the State for support of the child.’

This the kind of thing that might actually keep Bristol from throwing her panties at every Tom, Joey, and Dakota.

However on the serious side this is an extremely punitive bill that would place a victim of rape, or incest, in a terrible situation.

 And there is NO reason to punish a child for a situation that is clearly no fault of their own.

Just another bill written by men to punish women, and their children, while letting the man get off scott free, if he makes his escape quickly enough that is.


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