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Sunday, 16 July 2017

Donald Trump compares colluding with a foreign government to steal an election with the possibility of receiving debate questions ahead of time.

Damn, that is just pathetic.

Every time Trump feels under attack his first response is to deflect by saying "They did it too," or making something up to direct attention to others.

Just want to point out that there is no evidence that Hillary actually received any questions ahead of time, this was a town hall not a debate, and that Hillary would have been prepared for that question anyhow.

As for those 33,000 emails he keeps going on about remember that the Bush Administration "lost" 22 million of their emails.

But Trump was not quite done this morning.
That's right, it's the news media that is distorting democracy in this country.

Not the attempts by Trump's Russian pals to hijack our election process, or widespread voter suppression, or GOP gerrymandering.

Nope its the press. 


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