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Friday, 7 July 2017

"Coal King" admits that the idea of clean coal is a sham.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

While President Donald Trump continues to tout “clean” coal, coal baron Robert Murray says it’s just a fantasy. 

“Carbon capture and sequestration does not work. It’s a pseudonym for ‘no coal,’” the CEO of Murray Energy, the country’s largest privately held coal-mining company, told E&E News. 

Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), also called carbon capture and storage, is the process of trapping carbon dioxide from a power plant (during or after burning a hydrocarbon like coal) and then storing it permanently, usually underground.


“It is neither practical nor economic, carbon capture and sequestration,” he said last week. “It is just cover for the politicians, both Republicans and Democrats that say, ‘Look what I did for coal,’ knowing all the time that it doesn’t help coal at all.” 

And this is from a guy who is a member of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity — which has spent tens of millions of dollars trying to persuade the public that clean coal is the solution to global warming.

If, as Murray says, CCS is “neither practical nor economic,” then coal clearly has no future.

Which, by the way, is exactly what Hillary Clinton said during the 2016 campaign that got her vilified by the Republicans. 

And now we have this guy saying essentially the same thing.

If this guy's name sounds familiar to you it is because he is the same guy suing John Oliver for "character assassination."


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