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Monday, 17 October 2016

Polls show a close race in Alaska? In Alaska? Oh....My...God!

Okay first off as all of you know this has been a fantasy of mine since......let's go with forever.

Internally Alaska is not as blood red as our presidential voting shows us to be, we elect plenty of Democrats in local elections, and yet every year since 1964 we always vote GOP.

But this year, but this year, but this year....I cannot even bring myself to say it.

However I do want to say that if you are one of the many, many Bernie Sanders supporters here in Alaska that came out to caucus in the primaries, and you want to show your strength to the political power structures here in the state, in order to take a more active role in choosing which direction we take next, coming out in numbers large enough to make the state go blue this election cycle would give you the kind credibility as a group that would be impossible to ignore.

I'm just saying.

By the way it is still really not that close up here, as of right now according to Five Thirty Eight, the polling shows  66.6% for Trump and only 33.2% for Hillary.

However at least one recent poll shows them in virtual tie.

Is anybody else's heart beating super fast right now? Or is that just me?


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