Jay Sekulow |
President Donald Trump is not under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, a member of his legal team said Sunday morning.
"The president is not under investigation by the special counsel," Jay Sekulow, a member of President Trump’s legal team, told “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd. He also made similar comments to Jake Tapper on CNN's "State of the Union."
Well this is odd since on Friday Trump tweeted this:
But of course the lawyer had an excuse for that as well:I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 16, 2017
"The tweet from the president was in response to the five anonymous sources that were purportedly leaking information to The Washington Post about a potential investigation of the president," Sekulow said. "But the president, as James Comey said in his testimony and as we know as of today, the president has not been and is not under investigation."
“He's not afraid of the investigation. There is no investigation,” Sekulow added.
Uh huh.
So are we to believe the tweets of a man who lies with almost every breath, or the man who is hired to cover for that man when he inadvertently tells the truth?
In the meantime there are reports that Trump is hiding out at Camp David, but according to his lawyer NOT from an obstruction investigation being conducted by the Special Counsel.
And of course he is tweeting:
The MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN agenda is doing very well despite the distraction of the Witch Hunt. Many new jobs, high business enthusiasm,..— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2017
...massive regulation cuts, 36 new legislative bills signed, great new S.C.Justice, and Infrastructure, Healthcare and Tax Cuts in works!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2017
The Rasmussen poll?The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.That's higher than O's #'s!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2017
He is now hiding behind the Rasmussen Poll?
That poll is one of the least reliable polls out there.
It is essentially the Fox and Friends of political polls.
It ALWAYS skews in favor of conservatives, and it is typically off by double digits.
But hey whatever Orange Hitler needs to tell himself.
Yes Commander Cheeto, you are not under investigation for obstruction and you are more popular that President Obama. Oh and your golf clothes are very slimming, and your wife tells all of her girlfriends about your prowess in the sack.
Source http://ift.tt/2spgi9n