Look, we'll just send them to bed without dinner. That should teach those Russian rascals. |
The White House plans to work with House Republicans on administration-friendly changes to the Senate’s overwhelmingly bipartisan bill that slaps new sanctions on Russia and curbs President Donald Trump’s power to ease penalties against Moscow, according to a senior administration official.
The White House is concerned that the legislation would tie its hands on U.S.-Russia relations, a sentiment publicly expressed by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. But Senate Democrats fear the White House may go overboard in preserving its power to talk to Russia and seek to defang the sanctions bill — which passed 98-2 on Thursday in one of the year’s most significant displays of bipartisanship.
“I’m concerned about it, but I don’t really have the ability to dictate what the White House says to the House,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) said in an interview. “I can’t imagine the House would want to be apologists for Russian behavior after the combined weight of the intelligence communities all weighing in saying, ‘Look, they attacked the United States’.”
So I have a question.
Why are we still pretending that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump people and the Russians when we are still seeing it play out in public?
I mean what in the world would make a president work to reduce sanctions on a country that cyber attacked us and worked to undermine our democracy, unless there was some benefit to him in doing so?
After all this is Donald Trump, who seems to NEVER do anything that does not help him politically, increase his wealth, or pays back somebody who supported his candidacy.
Which one is this?
By the way there is some talk that Trump might veto these sanctions if they cannot be altered to his liking.
If he does that I think it is game over for his presidency.
Source http://ift.tt/2tCDJvt