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Monday, 12 June 2017

So what about that bizarre televised cabinet meeting today where each member took time to kiss Trump's ass publicly?

Courtesy of CNBC: 

Typically, a president's initial comments mark the end of on-camera coverage of White House Cabinet meetings, with administration aides then escorting members of the small press "pool" out of the room. But Trump invited reporters to remain as he called on his senior-most advisers to "go around, name your position" and say a few words about the administration's work. 

"Start with Mike," Trump said, referring to his vice president. Mike Pence, whom Trump kept in the dark for two weeks after learning that then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had given the vice president false information earlier this year, responded by saying that serving as Trump's number two is "the greatest privilege of my life." 

"An honor to be here," said Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who recently offered his resignation amid strains over the Russia investigation. 

"My hat is off to you," said Energy Secretary Rick Perry, referring to the president's explanation of his decision to abandon a global climate change agreement. 

"We thank you for the opportunity and blessing you've given us to serve your agenda and the American people," said Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, the subject of recent reports that Trump may fire him.

Okay seriously, WTF?

It's like Trump has gathered together a cabinet of Stepford wives who have been programmed to only deliver up compliments to their dear leader.

That creeped me out so bad it gave me chills.

Senator Chuck Schumer decided to find the humor in the event.
Yeah would be a lot funnier if this were not the fucking reality in the White House.


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