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Friday, 13 April 2018

Does Donald Trump have a secret love child?

Courtesy of WaPo: 

The owner of the National Enquirer paid $30,000 in late 2015 to a onetime Trump Tower doorman who was offering an embarrassing story about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, but the tabloid never published it, according to a person familiar with the payment. 

A spokesman for the Trump Organization on Thursday denied the story that doorman Dino Sajudin told the tabloid: that Trump fathered a child out of wedlock in the late 1980s and that top executives of the Trump Organization, including longtime security chief Matt Calamari, knew about it. 

“Mr. Sajudin’s claims are completely false,” the Trump Organization said in a statement. A spokesman added that Calamari never made such a statement and accused Sajudin of having a history of peddling false stories. 

In an interview Thursday with The Washington Post, Sajudin dismissed claims that he had made anything up. 

“You know I took a polygraph test,” he said, adding that he believes his story was buried as part of a larger strategy by the tabloid to quash negative articles about Trump. 

“It seems like the writing is on the wall about that, it’s pretty clear,” Sajudin said. He said the story “had to come out,” and he referred further questions to his attorney.

Okay for the record this Sajudin guy is a little sketchy, and has a history of making things up for attention.

However the possibility that Trump has a love child out there seems like something that almost HAS to be true.

The guy has shoved his shriveled orange dick into anything that moves for decades now, without benefit of a condom according to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels, so just by the law of averages alone it stands to reason that there are at least a few little orange Trump-a-Loompas running around out there someplace.

By the way the maid who has been identified by a few erstwhile internet sleuths, Carmen Ortiz Santiago Delouise. is indeed Trump's longtime housekeeper, but there is no evidence that she is the Fertile Myrtle who gave birth to this possible heir to the Trump misfortune.

However let me just say that if this story is true, and the mother turns out to be Hispanic, this might finally see Trump's approval rating with his racist base go down to single digits.

Yeah, THAT actually might do it.


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