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Thursday, 8 June 2017

Rolling Stone Magazine: "It's Time to Demand Donald Trump's Resignation."

The article lists all of the reasons for this call, but I have a feeling you all know them by heart.

So instead I will share the last seven paragraphs with you:

There is only one sensible reaction to Trump's antics: for members of Congress and influential conservatives to demand he resign. 

You and I both know he's not leaving the White House willingly, or at least not anytime soon. But this is no longer anything approaching a close call. The things the president says and writes, in public, are more than enough evidence to declare him grossly unfit for a job as a tollbooth operator, let alone as the most powerful person in the world. 

Many of the Republicans defending him in Congress and on TV see his tweets and know he's crossed the line. They'll keep defending him; they're too afraid of primary elections in their own districts to take a strong line against Trump. 

But they should reconsider. Whatever is causing Trump to unravel, it's putting the rest of us in serious danger. The continued spectacle of the Russia investigation is only fueling his descent. Why wait for it to unfold further? The best-case scenario is dragging the nation through a prolonged impeachment ordeal. If not, we have to wait until 2021 to replace him with a responsible and decent human being – assuming he doesn't get us all killed by then. 

There's a better way. Start the discussion now. Call on Trump to step down. Hell, if you're a Republican, you end up with President Mike Pence, and you probably love Mike Pence. I can't stand the guy, but at least he won't start World War III with an ill-advised 4 a.m. tweet. 

It would take enormous, sustained pressure from both sides of the aisle to convince Trump to resign the presidency. It's possible it would never work. The delicate bubble of ego that Trump keeps overinflated around himself never allows errors to reach his muddled mind. Stepping down would be admitting a failure on an enormous scale, and admitting failure is the one thing Trump won't do. 

But whether you're a liberal or a conservative or somewhere in between, if you care about your country – really care about the greatness of America – it's clear Trump can no longer be president. And urging him to step down now is the only option we have to get him out quickly.

I also don't think that Trump will leave willingly, however it is probably a very good time for Republicans to start making this request, if for no other reason than to say they were on the right side of history when Trump is eventually dragged kicking and screaming from the White House. 

Those who defend Trump to the bitter end, may find that bitter end also includes their political careers.


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