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Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Does Eric Trump's new haircut indicate an open display of his fascist beliefs? Or is it just a really crappy haircut?

As the Washington Post pointed out back in November, this haircut is extremely popular with those of a certain alt-right sensibility:

Young white-nationalism enthusiasts leaving a recent conference in Washington, D.C., where several of them performed a Nazi salute. 

The same haircut. The exact same haircut. 

It is the same haircut sported by white supremacist Richard Spencer.

As well as the Hitler Youth of the 40's.

Yeah but that's just silly.

After all both Brad Pitt and David Beckham have sported this style, and THEY are certainly not members of the Alt-Right.

Of course they seem to have sported this haircut BEFORE it became the unofficial haircut of the new white supremacist movement. I'm just saying.

All I know is that I am going to keep an eye on this Trump presidency for any other signs of blatant racism, you know like appointing a black man as the head of HUD simply because he's black, appointing a man who ran an alt-right news site on the internet as an adviser, or suggesting that the first black president was born in Africa and is therefore illegitimate.

Yep as soon as I see anything like that I will know for sure that the Nazis have taken over America.


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